Follow our family as we go from a family of three to a family of six. It is sure to be an amazing adventure!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I will be closing this blog shortly and instead starting one that is not named 'triplets'.

We had an ultrasound today and found out that we lost two of our three babies. I was shocked, terrified for the third, and completely heartbroken. I felt guilty that I wasn't able to enjoy seeing and hearing the heartbeat of the baby that we have because I was so sad about losing two. We are greatful that we have one baby that is measuring right on and appears to be healthy, but I still have to give myself time to mourn the loss of two.

Over the next few days I will allow myself to feel the sadness that comes with losing not one, but two babies. After I allow myself to heal I will focus on the growing this baby as happy and healthy as I can.

Thank you to all who have provided support so far. And thank you for any prayers that you can spare for our baby.


Sunday, June 12, 2011


For only being eight weeks, I sure am showing!! The babies are making their presence known! I really need to start taking some belly shots to track my progress.

I am anxious for Tuesday when we see if all three babies are growing. Once we find that out, we will get to planning, shopping, buying, etc. We also need to get Quinn transferred over to a twin or toddler bed.

I had such a nice visit with family yesterday for a cousin's graduation party! I am so proud of Brittany, she had an entire table filled with awards and medals and achievements. She really did well! I also really enjoyed connecting with some family that I only see once a year or so. Everyone sure was interested in my having triplets. A lot of people are excited to have triplets in the family!

I have decided to sell all my cloth diapers. I am sad about this! I just dont see us being able to coth diaper triplets. We used mostly pocket diapers so the stuffing of diapers after washing them takes awhile. Plus the time it takes to wash and dry them is just too much with triplets. And then thinking of packing a diaper bag with cloth for three babies sealed the decision to use disposables for the triplets. I hate putting all those diapers in landfills and spending all that money on the diapers. But honestly, there are some things we just need to go with what is going to make things just a little bit easier.

So, what has been on my mind lately??? Breastfeeding triplets! How. Am. I. Going. To. Do. It?? I know that it is soooo important for them to get the benefits of breast milk, especially since they are sure to be born small and early. So I am determined to provide them with the best thing that I can, and that is breast milk. In the beginning I'll have to pump while they are in NICU. Once they are home I am planning to nurse two at once while someone gives the other a bottle (of breast milk). I will rotate who receives the bottle so that one of them isnt always getting the bottle. I am sure I will have to supplement with formula some, but hopefully I will produce enough milk to nurse mostly. If anyone out there has tips on nursing three babies, I'm all ears!!

This week my appointments start... I have an appointment with the nurse tomorrow, and ultrasound Tuesday, then an appointment with my regular OB on Friday. Next Tuesday is my first appointment with my high risk MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine)doctor.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Garage Sales!!

I have ants in my pants! I want to start getting the things I'll need while there are garage sales to shop! But... I am afraid to buy too much before we have another ultrasound to make sure all three babies are growing and thriving.

I did buy a few things this weekend. There was one garage sale that had some preemie clothes at GREAT prices. Twenty five cents each for tops and fifty cents for two piece outfits. And they were in GREAT condition! I have been looking around for preemie clothes at the stores, mostly just because I want to see how teenie tiny and cute they are. Problem is, most stores don't carry preemie! So where do momma's of preemies get clothes?? Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby each only had a very small little rack of preemie clothes. None of the others stores carry preemie at all (Kohl's, JCP, Crazy 8, Gymboree, The Children's Place, Old Navy...). The only place that I have heard carries preemie that I havent checked out is Baby Depot in Burlington Coat Factory. I hate shopping the baby section in there, it is always so messy and unorganized. Not a fan!

Ok, back to my garage sale-ing... I bought a stack of preemie girl clothes (the garage sale was a woman who had twin girls). I sure do hope I have at least one girl!! I also bought a space save high chair that is the exact one we already have, and leap frog learn and groove table, and a pink bumbo seat. I cant wait to find out what we are having!!

I talked to the lady having the garage sale. She has a TON of girl clothes from preemie to 2Tish and they are all in wonderful condition and great prices. So I asked her what she is going with the stuff that doesnt sell. She isnt ready to donate it yet so she is likely going to hang onto it. I asked if I could get her name and number and give her a call once I find out what I am having. And if I am having a girl or two (or three) I will buy a bunch more of her clothes. So fingers crossed that I am growing some girls in there and that she still has stuff left!

The items that I am most worried about finding are cribs. The current nursery (that Quinn will be moving out of) has Sienna furniture (a deep cherry). I would really like to find two cribs that are at least the same color. But we'll see what we are able to find.

Ok, moving on from garages sales.... how am I feeling? I am feeling mostly 'ick' with a bit of 'terrible' thrown in here and there and once in awhile I feel ok and think I am going to get past this first trimester. This trimester is creeping by, I thought the second pregnancy was supposed to fly by?? SO far it is not, and I think it is because most times I dont feel very well.

Quinn has been saying "Momma BIIIG belly"! Little stinker! It isnt that big yet, I am barely showing. Little does he know that it is going to get MUCH MUCH bigger!! When I ask him if he wants mommy to have 3 babies he says "three girl babies" with a big smile on his face! So cute! He is going to regret that request if it comes true!